Monday, July 30, 2012

Carbon Tax

   There are a lot of discussions about the worlds pollution and the different ways to fix the pollution problems. In this article my main focus will be on Carbon Tax, Carbon Tax is a direct tax on carbon content of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal). It imposes a fee on the production, distribution or use of fossil fuels based on how much carbon content they use. The tax makes using dirty fuels more expensive, it encourages businesses and the individual to reduce their consumption. Carbon Tax also makes alternative energy more cost-competitive with fossil fuels. Overall this is a great idea to bring cleaner resources to the market, but the government should be making it easier for the average man and not to attack him with taxes especially during times like these. Here's an example of what the government knows and won't do; oil is the most used natural resource in America today and is also the most profitable. The Oil companies such as Shell, Exxon, BP, and Chevron have made a fortune during these times of oil scarcity and now the government wants a piece of the pie, with the Carbon Tax. Oil companies jack up the prices every time a major incident has happened for example hurricane Katrina, after this horrific event gas prices rose a dollar more even though the oil companies had plenty of oil barrels in reserves. I have recently watched a documentary "Gashole" about gas companies and why the rise in prices. I wanted know that with all the technology that we have today we still have cars that get only 20mpg. What I found is very shocking in this documentary. What if I told you that the technology to have 100 miles per gallon vehicles exists, but the Oil companies bought the technology solely because they wanted to sell more gas. Would you still be OK with the Carbon Tax? Maybe in some aspects like coal and natural gas, but oil? Tom Ogle a mechanic from El Paso Texas made the Water Vapor Engine that could move a hummer sized vehicle in the late 1970's a 100mpg vehicle. He did so by heating a water gas mixture and as the mixture got hot enough a vapor pumped directly into the carburetor, in which allowed the car to receive 100mpg. Ogle also mentioned that this technology would be very beneficial to the world's environment. Tom Ogle died recently after he made the discovery, he was found on the side of the road, and it was ruled that he died of an over dose. Coincidence? I bet the question you're asking is why isn't congress or government officials doing something? From our last discussion board topic Congress, Committees, and Campaign Money you have realized that oil and gas companies are high contributors to our Congressmen and Senator's campaign.Which entitles our elected officials to do nothing, but keep the oil industries going and happy. Now the government has decided to tax the people about $1 per gallon on top of the ridiculous gas prices, instead of going for the technology from the oil companies who make trillions of dollars a year. With this deal the government and the oil industries are happy, just not the public. The Carbon Tax is a giant leap forward to creating a pollution free environment, but sadly the payment will fall in the hands of the people who have so little. Personal point: I hope everybody in my class reads this blog and does more investigation for themselves.

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