Friday, July 13, 2012

Deceiving the American People

   Today many people are discussing the Obamacare situation, asking is it constitutional or is it unconstitutional? The Health Care Law requires most adults not covered by an employer or government-sponsored insurance plan to maintain health insurance coverage or pay a penalty, a provision known as the individual mandate. Obama told the American people that the new Health Care Law will not be a tax, also Obama stated on September 2009 interview with George Stephanopoulos, that the failure to obtain health insurance under the mandate is “absolutely not a tax increase.” When the Health Care Law received by the Supreme Court Obama told the judges that it is in fact a tax. Since the Health Care Law is a tax the Supreme Court allowed it to be constitutional because under the Constitution it states in section 8 clause 1 Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts. This shows that the President can not be trusted, he says one thing and does another to accomplish his goals and without the care of the American people's choice. Obamacare also has some important information that goes along with the new Health Care Law, the taxes don't stop with the individual mandate. The Obama's Health Care Law contains 20 new or higher taxes on American families and businesses. There is the tax on health savings accounts, the tax on indoor tanning and the tax on families using flexible spending accounts for special needs education for their children, to name just a few. Even though Obama said he wasn’t taxing the American people, he signed into law 20 new provisions that act like tax increases. 76% of Americans with incomes of $120,000 or less will pick up the tab to support individuals who cant afford health care. The majority of Americans never supported this Health Care Law from day one, so why is this Law being passed? Do the American people have a choice? This Law is being passed because Obama wants America to have a strong federal government and have the hard working class support the people who don't contribute to civil society. Under Obama's rule the people have no choice in Obama's decisions, despite what the majority wants. Many Senators want to repeal legislation to the floor for a vote on the Health Care Law. This Law must be voted on in the Senate.  If the government just gives benefits to people, the people will have no drive to better themselves and will not want to contribute to society. This Law is considered to be like car insurance, but worse. In no way is this free health care, the individuals who pay a monthly payment are still going to have to pay doctors fees and other expenses. The doctors are going to be overloaded with patients and are only going to spend a minimum amount of time with their patients, which will severely damage their diagnoses. If anybody wants to see the future of Obamacare go to a VA hospital. I've personally waited six and half hours for someone to see me and the doctor spent fifteen minutes consulting me. If that's what you want, then by all means support this Health Care Law.  

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