Monday, August 6, 2012

Democrats and Gay Marriage

This is in regards to Nicholas Quaschnik's editorial on Democrats backing same sex marriage. Nicholas understands that same sex marriage is important to society, through his job related events and life experiences, he has also realized that Obama and the Democrats are distracting the public with supporting same sex marriages because they don't want you to remember that every business that Obama has tried to accomplish has failed.  The fast and furious operation scandal and how it killed a government agent, that unemployment is at the highest its ever been, the security leaks and that Obamacare is a joke. I've definitely noticed that every time the public is not supporting Obama, some kind of break through happens, for instance, illegals are now legal, or he "evolved" into supporting same sex marriage and increasing financial aid for students.
 My personal belief is that if you're gay, straight, bi, or whatever your into, your a human being first, also you pay taxes and you should be able to do what everybody else can do in this country. I was also in the military like Nicholas and when I first joined was very closed minded on situations like homosexuality, but while I was in I met an amazing person who happen to be a lesbian and eventually became a friend of mine and we still talk to maintain our friendship.  
 Is believing or "evolving" to same sex marriage a top priority in America? Shouldn't our economy be a bigger concern or jobs for citizens? Obama knows that his last 4 years was a complete failure and is playing all his cards to persuade the voters. The public must realize that this is only a distraction to hide his failures. To make same sex marriage a law, the public must do the all work. Contact our Congressmen and Senators, sign petitions, have rallies, do whatever it takes to get it amended. The president does not have the power to change this, so all he has to do is say that he supports same sex marriages because he knows nothing will be done. WE THE PEOPLE must act.      

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