Friday, June 29, 2012

Fast and Furious Scandal

The blog "Fast and Furious and OCDETF" written by Andrew McCarthy from the National Review, this blog relates to the Fast and Furious ATF operation scandal that was managed or involved with by Attorney General Eric Holder who is in control of the Department of Justice. Fast and Furious was a operation that dealt with illegal transfer of weapons into Mexico and sold to mexican cartels that was called "gunwalking". OCDETF stands for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force, that are involved with the FBI, DEA, ATF, Secret Service, postal inspectors, etc.  The DOJ has a close involvment with OCDETF, due to the unlimited funding that goes into the OCDETF from the DOJ . The question still stands why did Holder, who knew about the Fast and Furious ATF operation get "executive privilage" from President Obama? President Obama denied congress to hold Eric Holder in contempt and he withheld public access to critical information about his part in a ill-conceived investigation that resulted in the murder of Brian Terry, a federal Border Patrol agent. McCarthy believes that the President intervened on Holders behalf was to protect himself from the scandal.  This article caught my attention because not too many people hear about how the scandal was demolished by our President. Andrew McCarthy understands the involvement between the DOJ and OCDETF, due to his experience when working at the U.S. Attorney office and has worked on OCDETF cases. The intended audience was to the nation to understand that the DOJ and the OCDETF are involved together closely and how President Obama intervene to cover this incident up. I agree with Andrew McCarthy on the issue of Eric Holder and how he can not escape the law becuase hes a top figure. If a political adminstration is breaking the law for some secret agenda, then the individual or individuals must be put on trial. McCarthy states that President Obama invoked executive privilage to protect himself, i totally agree with this statement, not once has he ever admitted that he was wrong about a decision or anything he does.

Source Cited:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama's Leaks Get More Votes.

     Earlier in the month of June classified information got out to the public about the "Kill List" for terrorists and that the military is using cyberweapons against Iran.The belief is that our National Security may have been compromised. Senator McCain and Chambliss, called for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate the leaks. The USA Today stated that "Leaks Can Serve a Purpose", my question is to whom, the public or for Obama's image? St. Louis Post-Dispatch states three reasons why Obama didn't release the leaks for political reasons: "One, President Obama has been strong and decisive on national security, if not always correct or forthright. Two, he has not been shy about taking credit for it. And three, some people might have leaked for political reasons, but others may have just been bragging — infiltrating an al-Qaeda bomb-making operation was pretty slick."
         My opinion is that the public needs to know more about what the government has done, what its doing and who's actually running this country. However I also believe that everything Obama has done is to boost up his image politically without care of whats best for this country. Some examples are, speaking to an all women college graduation when his women votes are down in the polls; the infamous celebrity dinners trying to receive popularity votes; his support for same-sex marriage even though he was against it in the past; using executive order to make illegal children legal, and he himself killed Bin Laden not the Navy Seals team that was in place before he was elected. All of these examples are to boost his image so that the people will vote for him. We the people have the right to know what our government is doing and how its being done. I think too many documents are classified and need to be released to the public. I am all for the leaks coming out to the public, but be professional about the classified material. Also don't brag about how the U.S. government operation has taken many lives during the process. Classified material goes through a lot to become declassified, as the President he should have waited or hurried up the process to get an OK and then exposed it to the public. Also "bragging" about classified information is reckless and irresponsible. What if the so called "bragging" puts lives at risk next time?

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
 Patrick Henry

Sources Cited:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Out of Touch President

On June 8, 2012 President Obama announced to the country that the private sector "is doing just fine", but blames the Rep. party for not helping out or for promoting policies that would add weaknesses to the economy. Mitt Romney strikes back by saying he is out of touch with reality of the American people. This article is worth reading because it shows that the President will say anything to get reelected and that the Democrats and Republicans once again argue about ways the economy can get back on track. Our economy/debt is a serious issue and our two parties are fighting over who's right and who's wrong, like a bunch of school girls. I don't mean to be offensive at all, with that analogy. This article caught my eye because our President told the American people that the private sector "is doing fine", there's 23 million people who are unemployed, tax cuts will soon end, which will cause the smallest items that people take for granted become too expensive for the average individual to buy. We are not doing fine. I think this article is not only relevant to me, but to the whole nation. The American people need jobs.  I decided to blog about this article because things are not "doing fine", and the two parties need to come together and resolve this serious issue.

  "So, let us not be blind to our differences - but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved."
    John F Kennedy.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Political Stand

I would call myself politically Independent/Republican. Im sort of new to being political, I try to have as much knowledge of politics. I believe The Media is the new church and state and must separate themselves from one sided campaigns or the other and do there jobs by telling the public the truth, no matter who it is. I strongly agree to individual rights and limited government,  individuals must realize that politics is a important topic to know or have an understanding because it deals with the individuals lives. I believe John F.Kennedy stated it best, when he said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". I call myself Independent because the Democrats and Republicans just bash one another and the public has to choose between the lesser of the two evils.  Iam taking this class to become more knowledgable about politics and how the US government opperates. I try to stay informed in politics through the news on television and on the radio as much as i can, but i want to get a more depth look into government because Knowledge is Power during times like these.